Wednesday, September 8, 2010

World Religions Websites

Out of the multitude of Internet sites devoted to the subject of world religions, I have chosen a small sample of just seven that may be a good introduction to the topic. Here goes.

#1. There is a half-serious but somewhat enlightening short quiz called the "Belief-O-Matic" at the following site:

#2. This site has a helpful chart that provides a broad overview of the major world religions:

#3. The timeline on the Northern Virginia Community College page is useful:

#4. The following is an excellent site overall, particularly its comparison feature:

#5. You may find the following sort of cartoon overview of Bible mildly amusing:

#6. The essay on the homepage of this site has another perspective on the Law of Non-Contradiction:

#7. Last but not least, I will recommend my own website that has most of my class notes from courses in world religions, east and west:

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