Wednesday, September 8, 2010

World Religions Websites

Out of the multitude of Internet sites devoted to the subject of world religions, I have chosen a small sample of just seven that may be a good introduction to the topic. Here goes.

#1. There is a half-serious but somewhat enlightening short quiz called the "Belief-O-Matic" at the following site:

#2. This site has a helpful chart that provides a broad overview of the major world religions:

#3. The timeline on the Northern Virginia Community College page is useful:

#4. The following is an excellent site overall, particularly its comparison feature:

#5. You may find the following sort of cartoon overview of Bible mildly amusing:

#6. The essay on the homepage of this site has another perspective on the Law of Non-Contradiction:

#7. Last but not least, I will recommend my own website that has most of my class notes from courses in world religions, east and west:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Christian Learning Online

And now for something completely different...In about four weeks, we are going to launch "Christian Learning Online" at Ten Mile Christian Church. This time around, our subject will be a survey to the Old Testament. What's new about our approach is that we will meet face-to-face for the first and last sessions, but all the rest will be conducted online. It's an experiment in "blended learning," and I'm very excited about the opportunity to be a part of it! Interested in knowing more? Feel free to e-mail me at: