Friday, August 21, 2009

Childhood Chums

I did have real friends in school, of course. A few, anyway. One or two. But I always looked forward to a few pleasant moments together with Squiddly and Magilla. And, I still do. [Is that weird?] Two innocent simpletons, one who lived in Bubbleland and the other at Mr. Peeble's Pet Shop. Squiddly had a calm, come-what-may attitude. No matter what he encountered (instant stardom as a surfing rock star; threats from secret agents), he faced it all with a sort of serene cheerfulness. And Magilla was kind to others, above all else. Whether it was delivering dog food or telling stories to O-gee, he did at least one good turn daily. This 500-pound gorilla could sit anywhere he wanted, but he would be sure to ask first.

All good things must come to an end, I suppose. Summer's over. I go back to school next week (on the other side of the desk now). Every once in awhile, though, I turn on cartoons to check and see that my little chums are still there.

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