Sunday, May 3, 2009

Prayer Meeting at the Tool Company

Every Friday morning, I meet with some of the guys for a Bible study over breakfast. Last time my friend Cleve made a suggestion that since a local tool company is facing tough times in this economy, we ought to go over there and pray for them. He was right – prayer helps, and it makes sense to go there and do just that, especially since some of our good friends and fellow believers depend on it to make a living. So we did. A few of us got together in their conference room and spent some time praying that God would continue to bless their tool business.

I have to say it was a welcome reminder of what an elder is supposed to be all about. My favorite description of what an elder in the church is to be is simply a “shepherd.” Elders “tend” the “flock.” Yes, at times, they have to attend meetings, make decisions, and figure out how to spend money. But much higher on the list of priorities, in my opinion, is that elders are supposed to be shepherds. And it felt right to be there in that conference room praying with some of the very people who are most affected by the economic downturn.

Today is a good day to remember, too. It was 29 years ago today that I stood up in the back row of a worship service at a college retreat and interrupted the minister by asking to be baptized. It’s a good day for another reason: my own brother is being acknowledged as an elder in his congregation on this May 3rd as well. Not to mention, Dad would have been 77 on this day, too. My prayer is that we would always bear in mind the things that matter most.

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